“Heaven wheels above you, displaying to you her eternal glories, and still your eyes are on the ground”- Dante Alighieri

09 November 2011


" I'm the hero of the story, I don't need to be saved...."

I am the Story-maker, I am the initiator, I am the creative genius behind this story. I am the Master Planner wrote it for her and I dwell in her as Herself.
it starts eyes shut, it starts with dependance. it starts with reluctance. it is naive. oblivious of the potential.the story is 20 years old. it was young at heart, the heart believed in the goodness of people. it was soft not yet corrupted by pain.

then the story builds, it pick speed, it's moving, it's better than before. the story took to the age of 21. it was looking bright. it was seeing light, but for time it was the wrong light, it was lightness upon disapointment, it was the light upon ignorance, it was lighting heartbreak. i taught her about strenght, i taught her about hardship. she feel but not once did she give in, because she had a plan. She sat in a night revealed thoughts so deep, it hurt her more than the actual deed. she made mistakes and lived on the moment.

then she came, she came with something else, she came with a choice. i believe she could have done it different. she could have done it with lesser resentment. but netherless she came to my open arms and said 3 words.

I am unhappy.
patiently I listend to her soft tears and her agony. she wanted something diffirent. and because we are revolutionary champions. i gave her a blog.  a few words said something that would change the way she did things.
"God, Grant me the Courage to be happy." it was meaningfull and she realized that she would have to start fighting for her share.
she is a gardner, she cuts out all the weeds, she was doing trimming. it isn't always the best way to go about, but she was created by My hands. she was perfect.

she hurts of people. she is in pain due to the ignorance. but she is hoping for something better. she would learn from this. she would change for the better. she would become stronger because she believes in the better of people.

But she is scared, she is scared I am mad at her for he choices. Her relative strong language, she ability to be mad. she is scared I won't be around because she doesn't pray much. she is scared that I wouldn't love her because she doesn't love the whole world! She is messed up, she makes endless mistakes. but she Believes and that she somewhere believe I love the trouble-makers, I love the one's that doesn't live with constant smile. she does live a pious life. but she doesn't hate. she only hurt and she doesn't allow her heart to hurt so she doesn't deal with the hurtfull.

i have found a Hero... A Champion that would forgive, a Champion that would love. He is my Hero, He looks past the mistake he looks past the pious life and doesn't fight my hands of anger. He is a true Hero.


27 October 2011

Packing Up....

the last has arrived. it has become clear and shining it's uncertainty. time has been limited.

i'm packing up. that simple.

18 days is what is left and not to forget. 4 xams left.
for the first time this year i am truely happy. this year or more the last few months have been unhappy days. but somewhere i found a piece of joy. my own piece.

the room looks craapy but actually quite serine. it feels peaceful. i had to start to shed the place last night. i was going to make this a process. i was giving enough time for grief. when (( )) asked why... i wasn't telling. this was my thing.

here is something to ask... i it fair to be mad at someone who has apologized, but the damage was done... is it fair?

18 October 2011

out the bed with the wrong foot...out the door with the right foot.

you stand in front of the mirror and want to scream. you want to scream at the pain. you want to scream at the anger. you want quit. you want end all that is wrong at that moment.

you woke up with a maddening shround. you wake up shaking with amounts of adrenaline that your tiny body cannot contain.

your wrong foot is out to ruin your day.

but somewhere in the blitz of your fists and the shouts and pulls of people. you end up staring at your cause. you are close to being murderous. but somewhere. deep deep deep, hidden and slowing revealing comes a word.
next a new word formed in my head and rumbled out my whisper.
fumbling at something to come.
forcing greatness to reveal i heard myself saying...
who is determining your happiness.? it wasn't some fancy, life changing, fluffy quote.
it was declaration. it was a moment. it was a concious decision. it was a second and fleeting moment, where you decide something deep within you!

i decided that i was the only one responsible for my happiness, i was fully implied to my own happiness. so many time you bent yourself to fit yourself. i decided i would choose.

after a post-it moment. after a sinking in moment. i got dressed. i picked up my bag.
my hand touched the handle.
the wrong foot hit the other side... (and that's the thing with me) the right foot stepped towards happiness.

i am happy in the weakest of moments.


10 October 2011

Burning Bridges

so when you leave somewhere... how do you go about doing it?
do you greet like you're going on a long holiday... do you greet the way, you know for certain what may ahead... do you wave good-bye, do you say good-luck, do you just walk away.

I'm leaving collage and i'm burning bridges. I am walking away from frienships that are "wasting time". I have currently 3 friend, 2 men and 1 girl. And strangely i am not alone, i don't feel lonely.

 i am not good with good-byes, i can't keep friendships from afar, well i can, it's just that i don't know how. so my way is... burning bridges. cutting people away. stopping. because i feel there is no cause. i feel no effort. i believe i HAVE the ability to build new bridges. i don't do in one place. i move.

i'm still figuring this crazy heart.

without realizing it, somewhere deep down, hidden in a dark spot. a decision was made. i had an option and i chose it. i chose.. to stop hanging around, waiting. i stopped pushing for a connections. and i took my gift of choice and made it my own. i did not make the choice to hurt people, i did not make the decision for the appreciation of others. i made the choice for myself.
i stopped dancing for the appreciation for people. i stopped with social events, preformed as friendships. i started the quest for real and honest. yes, i would like to have them again. but this isn't me. i am not for plantonic. you have for real, you have me as loyal. you have Me. but you can'T have me in parts. you can't have me on a schedule, you can't have me when it suits you. and so.. i took my all and i started a journey.
it was difficult before, it was silent, it was harsh. but there is a stillness in my heart. there is a sense of peace within me. i thank my Lord for the few i have. and i hold those few dear to my heart. i say thank you for them and i am truely happy for the few. i still care for the one's that i had to leave behind. i still love them and they are good people. they are kind, they are to have and to hold. but our time together was well spent and had was asked to end.

yeah, there are days that i hate myself, there are days that i doubt myself. yeah there are the days that i believe i'm making the biggest mistake in my life. there are the days that don't understand myself and and my reasoning.

i wish greatness upon them...


27 September 2011


Pics: Le Love

it's something you have to end... it's was hard. it hurt me so bad. few months ago i was steady, i was confident, i knew my next move. then it end.

i think, without knowing it... he was my everything. cliche.

but know i doubt, doubt and second guess my every new move. i am the child of self-doubt. i am the child of fear.

who knew that love could ruin. but there is love that would last. it's here with yourself.


26 September 2011

let slip....

i feel it...
i feel it, creep very slowly. slowly the will for mundane tasks fade, i start to fade, i start to pull away from people. you get the heavy feelings.
we'll i think i'm let slipping. i don't know how to make it better.

Le Love

things are heavy tonight.

25 September 2011

Holy Shit... Scary Shit!

It comes down to this... it's crappy not fun and quite possibly the most pain you can ever experience.

this will make your stomach turn, it will make you gag awhile. but what i've heard and read, numberless and countless times. It will get better.


well, it is going to get better, when you stop accepting the bad things, when you stop accepting the painfull people in your life.
it wasn't your kick and scream kind of pain. it was a deep sense of ending. something was ending.

but we don't want to end things because we want, we end things because we fail at the pain. we fail at the our own insecurities, we fail at our faith.

so basically we fail ourselves and we fail at others.
